Before the clarity call
- Tribute , Boundless joy
- August 31, 2024
Table of Contents
Cover image credit: Shot by the author when she visited Bhutan.
A 30-minute free clarity call to see if I can help you re-engage in a professional setting after a life-altering experience. This service is available to friends and colleagues and to their close connections. If I don’t know you, someone I trust must vouch for you.
Moment of truth
Truth reveals itself and acts in reality through death – David Bohm
Coming to accept that all matter, including that of the one you love the most, will perish has no predetermined path or stages of grief.
They tell you that time heals all wounds. They tell you to celebrate the passing of your beloved from this mortal state to something intangible. But they don’t tell you that the agony of losing exclusive access to that fountain of immeasurable joy immobilizes your spirit.
I’ve seen death many times since I was a kid, but this experience was different. I’ve been a lone wolf all my life, but I felt lost for the first time in 38 years. Is there any action worth taking in the absence of your beloved? Does it even matter anymore?
Your world revolved around someone. Who are you now without that someone?
It took me close to nine months to bounce back and re-engage with life in a professional setting. I emphasize professional because only a few of us do not have to worry about putting food on the table and can focus on recovering from the loss of the most beloved. Almost every working-class person has to get back to earning a living sooner than coming to terms with life without the beloved.
Learn to bounce back
This service is not a bereavement, grief counseling, or group support program. There are licensed practitioners for that kind of support.
This free service is after you are ready to:
- Confront the reality that matter has perished but the presence of your beloved is ubiquitous
- Accept that you’re broken but not defeated and can rebuild your potential (you’re resilient)
- Honor the memory of your beloved and codiscover boundless joy through service
From sorrow to strength
The following questions helped me gain clarity after the death of my most beloved in Sept 2023. I’m sharing these questions with you to help you take the step toward rediscovering your joyous self and viewing your life’s next chapter through the eyes of your most beloved.
- What does my current routine look like?
- What was my routine before the death of my beloved?
- What did I focus on the most back then?
- What do I focus on the most now?
- Who was I before my beloved walked into my life?
- Who was I with my beloved?
- Who am I now without my beloved?
- What can I accept about my loss?
- What can I not accept about my loss?
- How am I currently keeping myself occupied?
- What specifics about my loss and feelings have I shared and with whom?
- When I close my eyes
- What does the voice inside say/what thought has my attention now?
- What did I say to that voice inside/what is my response to that thought?
- When I open my eyes
- What three things did I notice now?
- What words came to mind immediately?
- I need to list three qualities that my beloved would use to describe me. What are those?
Clarity, resiliency, and stewardship
To honor the ubiquitous presence of my most beloved, I started the Give B9 Tokens initiative. It is an effortless contribution by me that inspires you enough to donate nine dollars, in cash or kind, to an organization in your neighborhood that is serving a cause that matters the most to you. This post is an example of an effortless contribution by me.
Also part of this initiative is my offer of a 30-minute free clarity call to help you rediscover your joyous self. If I can truly help you after our clarity call, I am offering two additional calls of 30 minutes each to help you bounce back and re-engage in a professional setting.
The 30-minute resiliency call is the second call that focuses on helping you rebuild your potential. You are born resilient, and it is your responsibility to harness that potential. The 30-minute stewardship call is the third call that focuses on helping you design a service project to honor the memory of your beloved. Matter has perished but the presence is ubiquitous.
Note: As stated before, this free service is available to people I know and their close connections. If I do not know you, someone I trust must vouch for you. This website, the Give B9 Tokens initiative, and the free calls are a tribute to my best friend (Frazer) to celebrate his ubiquitous presence. So, this service of no use to you if you do not want to celebrate the ubiquitous presence of your most beloved through a service project.
After reading this post, send me a message on LinkedIn to schedule a clarity call. Before our call, respond to the questions in the previous section (from sorrow to strength) and bring a copy of your response to our call.
This is a B9 Token, which is an effortless contribution by me that inspires you enough to donate nine dollars, in cash or kind, to an organization in your neighborhood that is serving a cause that matters the most to you. If you took action as a result of this post, thank you for celebrating the ubiquitous presence of the one you love the most!